I don't know whether it's the genuine nature of a dog....the fact that you know she has no hidden agenda, no other reason for loving that moment except that it was a moment in her world with one of the people she loves the most...or whether it's the knowledge that I know those times with her are finite, that a day will come where the only weight of hers that I will feel is her memory in my heart. But there is something about those moments that make the world glow. That make me pay attention. That touch my soul and that I know, even now, will stay with me always. A moment with Sophie....it will last forever.
That is such a lovely tribute to your sweet Sophie.
You have expressed this so beautifully. I have had those feelings also. I want to capture each moment and hold it in my heart forever.
Don't we all love that feeling? And they ask for so little in return:)
That's what it's all about!
such a great shot--love that background!!
I agree that those moments are so special. Kaboodle (cat) and I sat in the swing yesterday soaking up the fall sunshine. She purred the entire time.
Hope you and Sophie have a wonderful afternoon.
I know those moments and loved them but never really recognized them, or thought about them, until your post today.
Thank you for the insight.
I can't get enough of such moments with my Zoey. She's still a puppy so she's rushing around more often than not...so each little respite from her daily buzz-about, I cherish.
Look at that face. :)
What a lovely tribute to Sophie... *sigh*
What a precious, precious girl!
Hi Andrea,
Your words are always fitting and lovely. I enjoy reading about you and Sophie. Best wishes to you both.
Missed you. Animals make us feel so good.
I think it's the fact that the dog is so filled with unconditional love that we feel a pure touch - not one that is longing or asking or wanting.
Yes, those times are so special. I can't imagine my life or home without a dog or dogs - unimaginable.
Sometimes I have to remind myself of this very lovely feeling when our big lug leans into me or puts both of his front paws on my knee to be a couple of inches taller! Give Sophie a good ear scratching from me! :)
Very well said...my sister had to put one of hers to sleep today. For me, dogs have been one of the few constants in my life, but I've had to say goodbye to way too many of them. Yet each was special in many ways...tragic when you know how many unwanted ones are killed each year.
Your love for Sophie just pours out of this post. It's a great reminder that none of us should take time for granted...
So true. The love of an animal is like no other. Absolute and pure.
Woof! Lovely stated ... your love for Sophie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Lovely sentiments about a beloved friend.
Well said and so true, I say this as my dog Sage looks at me with that look.
I even feel this with my cat. Somehow the eyes speak louder than the meows. And at night, he gently makes his way up on my bed, lays beside me and falls asleep, purring. Happy him...happy me.
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